05 April 2009

you're too in love to let it go...

...but if you never try, you'll never know just what you're worth.

He came to visit me last night. It was almost-perfect in the weirdest ways possible. I just wish I knew what I was doing, and where all of this is going. I wish I could forget any of it ever happened.
what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane

and i'm not sure what the trouble was, that started all of this
the reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did
it's not something i would recommend,
but it is one way to live
'cause what is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is

it was so simple in the moonlight
now it's so complicated

I went on a lunch date with a nice boy on Friday. He was nice. I am not nice. He deserves much better.

Work sucks. Indeed.

I have a ton of homework but I can't manage to get started. I have this tingly feeling all over my body (and not the good kind); I'm itching to be alone again. (I am.)

I wish I could get him out of my head.

Funny how my mind counts each day
By the times I've thought of you
Funny how the numbers sway

If only to say this to you now
I love you still and I always will
If only to say this to myself
I will always love you
I will always love you
So go easy on yourself

Go easy
Go easy