1. Stop being so angry. This is your decision, your life, quit the bullshit and get it together. Everyone has problems. You do not get to whine about yours as if they are more significant than others'.
2. Quit smoking. Yes. You are limited to 5 cigarettes a day until further notice. I don't care how drunk you are or how near-anxiety attack you are. You do not need substances to make you happy.
3. Get off your ass. Exercise. Three times a week. I don't care if you go for a damn walk just get the fuck out of your apartment and do something. (Walking to/from work/class DO NOT count.)
4. Quit your bullshit eating habits. No more eating after midnight, for now. Soon it will be no more eating past 10pm. Get on your vegetarian kick again--at least 3 days a week, no meat. Stop snacking on bullshit.
5. Start sleeping. If this means you cannot go out drinking six nights a week, oh well. Your friends will love you anyway and you will find time to spend with them.
6. Stop sleeping around. SERIOUSLY. You are making yourself unhappy. Sex is not worth it.
7. As and Bs in summer school. No excuses. Get off your ass and get that GPA up.
No cop-outs, no excuses. Just get the shit done and stop blaming your problems on other people. It's time to grow up.
...sometimes I need to be brutally honest with myself.
everything i'm not made me everything i am.and a little kanye for you :)